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Location: Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

My partner, John Fowler and I invest in Real Estate, mostly positively geared residential property. We are currently looking at properties globally. I love a challenge, meeting positive 'can do' people, travelling and going out for good coffee!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

NLP - 30 FREE Tickets !

John and I attended a very interesting NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Weekend Seminar in Melbourne at the end of April, run by Chris Howard. There were about 3,000 people there and I think I only got to hug about 2% of them during the weekend!

I know, you wouldn't really expect to hug lots of people at a seminar, but this wasn't a normal seminar. NLP is all about getting your mind to work with you, not against you and Chris Howard promotes lots of interaction by particpants to reinforce the information he provides.

What I found interesting was that so many people seemed to share the same limiting beliefs as me, and have similar issues relating to money. No wonder so many people don't achieve their dreams in life - we're often so scared of rejection and failure, that we fail to even try to achieve what we really want out of life. Worse still we make excuses to ourselves for failing to try!!

Well, if you want to attend, the 'Breakthrough to Success' weekend usually costs $895 per person, but we've been fortunate, and have 30 free tickets to give away to members of my mailing list. So if you'd like one or two tickets for events in either Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane or Perth, all you have to do is join my mailing list and then send me an email with your details so that I can send you the tickets. Easy Huh!! What have you got to lose apart from perhaps a weekend away where you can slip in a bit of shopping too ? :)